Collective Consciousness

Today I watched Social Dilemma on Netflix and decided to delete all my social media accounts, unnecessary applications and quit applications which are not care about privacy.

In early 2020 with corona virus pandemic, I changed my mind to use FOSS(Free Open Source Software) products. First I changed my operating system and started to use Ubuntu 20.04 and changed my browser to Brave.

This transformation was just a start for me to slow down and realize whats happening around. I realized that I was so tired of being ‘busy’ of nothing. The first social media platform that I quit was instagram and it was before I watched Social Dilemma.

Today I deleted my facebook that I was not using for about 3 years but it was there, now it’s gone. I disabled my twitch account. I deleted telegram and I muted all whatsapp notifications. I deleted my unnecessary mail accounts and now I am looking for new mail provider who cares about privacy and open-source. Yes this is my new internet, the next stations are Twitter and LinkedIn which are my most using social media platforms and I also use Twitter API as developer. I need to archive my Twitter and LinkedIn profiles then I’ll delete them very soon.

For my cloud storages, I ordered an SSD to store my files etc.

While I was writing this blog post, I felt little bit weird that it might be too much. But no. I waste enough time on these platforms so time to come back to the earth.

These are not happened because of I watched Social Dilemma. I was on the road and Social Dilemma is just an another water source for me to drink and keep going on.

I’ll share my contact options on my blog website so you can reach me out directly.